I'm involved into a couple of FLOSS
projects and activities:
- SysDB — a system management and inventory collection service
- collectd — the system statistics collection and monitoring daemon
- Debian — the universal operating system
- PostRR — the PostgreSQL Round-Robin extension
- RRDtool — Round Robin Database Tool
- libJUNOS — JUNOScript client library for Juniper™ Networks devices
- tpdfview — a tiny PDF viewer
- Nagios® network and systems monitoring solutions
SysDB — a system management and inventory collection service ↑

“System DataBase” (SysDB) is a multi-backend system management and inventory collection service. It may be used to (continuously) collect information about your systems from various backends (inventory services, monitoring services, etc.) and provides a unique interface to access the information independent of the active backends. This is done by storing and mapping the backend objects to generic objects and correlating the attributes to create a single hierarchical view of your infrastructure.
For now, the software is in an early and very experimental state.
I am the initiator and currently only developer of the project.
collectd — the system statistics collection and monitoring daemon ↑

collectd is a small daemon which collects system information periodically and provides mechanisms to monitor and store the values in a variety of ways. The collected information can be used to find current performance bottlenecks (performance analysis) and predict future system load (capacity planning). (read more …)
I am one of the early day contributors and a still (more or less) active upstream developer besides taking care of the Debian packaging.
Debian — the universal operating system ↑

The Debian project is an association of individuals who have made common cause to create a free operating system. This operating system is called “Debian”. (read more …)
I maintain a few packages and work within a few packaging teams for that purpose:
- An overview about all of my packages is available at my Debian QA page.
- I'm a member of the pkg-phototools, RRDtool, and pkg-nagios teams.
- I contribute packages to the Debian Monitoring Project.
Also, I frequently organize and staff Debian booths at various events.
PostRR — the PostgreSQL Round-Robin extension ↑

PostRR (\ˈpōs-tər\) is an extension for the PostgreSQL database management system providing round-robin functionality. It provides additional data types and functions to handle discrete time-series of data and consolidation thereof.
For now, the software is in an early and very experimental state.
I am the initiator and currently only developer of the project.
RRDtool — Round Robin Database Tool ↑
RRDtool is the OpenSource industry standard, high performance data logging and graphing system for time series data.
I have contributed a few patches and minor enhancements.
libJUNOS — JUNOScript client library for Juniper™ Networks devices ↑
libJUNOS is a C client library to access routers running JUNOS software. It offeres an API to connect to devices and issue JUNOScript commands.
I am the initiator and currently only developer of the project.
tpdfview — tiny PDF viewer ↑
tpdfview is a Portable Document Format (PDF) viewer. It was developed with presentations and accompanying material in mind.
I am the initiator and currently only developer of the project.
Nagios® network and systems monitoring solutions ↑
I have contributed various (mostly minor) patches, enhancements, or ideas to a couple of Nagios (and Icinga and Shinken) related software projects:
- Nagios Plugins — a collection of scripts following the Nagios plugin API and providing functionality for monitoring various aspects of UNIX/Linux systems. For example, I've contributed the “check_dbi” plugin.
- teamix monitoring plugins — a collection of additional plugins for Nagios, Icinga, Shinken, and other monitoring systems; mostly related to NetApp™ and Juniper™ devices. I wrote the Juniper-related plugins.
- PNP4Nagios — an addon to Nagios which analyzes performance data provided by plugins and stores them automatically into RRD files.
- Thruk — a multi-backend monitoring frontend for Nagios, Icinga, and Shinken.
- mod-gearman — a Nagios / Icinga addon for distributed monitoring.